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Why Omnichannel Marketing is More Important Than Ever in Hospitality

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December 19, 2023

Technology has always been a part of the hospitality industry—from cash registers to POS systems, reservation management, and inventory tracking. Current tech trends have made omnichannel systems and marketing expand on the food and hospitality scene. Like adopting any other tech tool to improve operations, hospitality businesses must pay attention to omnichannel communications' many benefits for hooking new consumers and retaining current clients.

What is Omnichannel Marketing?

Omnichannel strategies provide customer-centric, integrated brand interactions across all communication channels. This includes email, SMS, phone, IVR, and social media. In essence, omnichannel marketing meets customers where they live online and allows consumers to toggle between devices seamlessly to order, communicate, or share content.

Why Omnichannel Marketing is Essential for Restaurants and Hospitality Businesses

What makes an omnichannel presence so impactful is that it allows businesses to target and communicate with customers based on their individual preferences. Why does that matter? Culturally, there’s a wide range of consumer groups—from Generation Z to Baby Boomers. Many of those generations have preferred methods of brand interactions. Having a multi-faceted marketing approach that leverages all aspects of communication channels lets establishments reach large groups of the population—from teens to grown-ups. The larger the target group, the more customer engagement and draw potential.

Marketing to Gen Z: Facts and Tips

While all generations have grown up with technology to an extent, Gen Z, also called digital natives, have grown up with technology like smartphones and the internet, especially social media, as predominant parts of their lives. As a result, they appreciate high levels of connectivity. Gen Z thrives on convenience but also desires a variety of options from their menus. Furthermore, sustainability efforts are considered very important to their consumer-based decisions; in fact, 47 percent of Gen Z will likely prioritize food with mental health benefits in the future.

Best Marketing Modes:

53 percent of the Gen Z population are inspired by food content posted on TikTok. Having a robust TikTok presence is crucial for hospitality brands to get in front of Gen Z customers. They respond well to stunning plates of food and savvy short-form videos. To capture their attention, showcase vibrant videos of your most attractive dishes, consider a fun and interactive brand challenge, and offer mini-cooking classes.

Marketing to Millennials: Facts and Tips

Also known as Gen Y, Millennial members account for 87 million people. However, they take a bit of coaxing to go out and eat. They prioritize quality over quantity but also are looking for a reasonably priced menu. In fact, 71 percent of Millennials consider their budget a deciding factor when dining out or staying in. Much like Gen Z, Millennials use social media to discover new trends but also use social media platforms to communicate with friends, brands they follow, and family.

Best Marketing Modes:

A social media presence is paramount to reaching Millennial consumers. Meta (formally Facebook) and Instagram are essential communication platforms for Millennials. To cut through the noise, consider utilizing Meta advertising options. Since Millennials like to use social media platforms to communicate, take the time to engage with their reviews and questions online. Also, post menu specials, advertise loyalty programs, and other budget-friendly incentives to draw them to your door.

Marketing to Gen X: Facts and Tips

Unlike Millennials and Gen Z, Gen Xers didn’t grow up with smartphones or a fast-paced internet. However, Gen X, as a generation, is still savvy with today’s technology. They engage with social media and spend an average of three hours daily on their smartphones.

Best Marketing Modes:

80 percent of Gen Xers use text messaging as their main communication channel. From an omnichannel marketing perspective, text messaging capabilities are vital in connecting with Gen X. If you want to seize their attention and take advantage of smartphone apps, consider developing your own delivery app. You can also tap into geo-fencing technologies that alert smartphone users via a direct SMS as they enter your area.

Marketing to Baby Boomers: Facts and Tips

While younger generations are the focus of digital marketing tools, Boomers shouldn’t be excluded from omnichannel marketing. In fact, 82 percent of older boomers spend six hours a day online, utilizing five devices. Boomers resonate with personalized messaging from brands. They also tend to subscribe to at least one social media platform and share online content more often than younger generations.

Best Marketing Modes:

Boomers engage with multiple communication platforms and respond to authentic personalized marketing. So, consider sending email newsletters that highlight exclusive events. One-third of Baby Boomers look to YouTube for information about a new product or service. Developing a YouTube channel with menu updates, behind-the-scenes videos, and more could help you grab their attention.

Business Tools from US Foods CHEF’STORE

At CHEF’STORE, you’ll find helpful business resources to take charge of your operations and maximize marketing. We also provide high-end products at competitive prices so you can turn your next Instagram post into a culinary masterpiece featuring vibrant ingredients. 

Visit one of our many nearby locations today to learn more about what we offer.



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