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4 Technologies Changing the Restaurant Industry in 2021

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December 09, 2020

Restaurant industry technology has come a long way from old fashioned cash registers. From computerized POS systems to phone apps, restaurateurs have embraced a variety of tech changes. So, what does the future hold? Are there savvy solutions you can implement now to streamline spending and improve profit? Our restaurant supply warehouse shares some up-and-coming tools you’ll want to know about. 

Are new restaurant technologies right for you? Restaurant owners have a lot on their plates. Between managing wholesale grocery costs, developing inventory systems, and leading staff, there’s not much time left to focus on other aspects of the business, like marketing or staying abreast of food trends. By embracing technology, owners can relieve themselves of some of those responsibilities and save money. Reduce food waste, save on labor costs, and keep purchases in check with these four dynamic tech trends for restaurants.

1. Software Scheduling Solutions 

One of the challenges restaurant owners face is staff scheduling. Keeping track of shifts, maintaining the perfect balance of labor numbers, without going over or under, and scheduling time off can be burdensome. With digital scheduling, managers and owners can toss out the old paper shift calendar and streamline staffing needs. 

Labor management software can generate and virtually disseminate each employee’s weekly shifts. Restaurants owners can also set filters, based on sales metrics, that ensure they are never under or overstaffed on any giving day. Plus, employees and managers can access time-off requests, shift-swaps, and update availability. Integrating digital scheduling can even save your restaurants as much as 2% in labor costs.

2. High-Tech Temperature Monitoring 

Keeping meticulous temperature records and maintaining all aspects of food safety logs can be time-consuming. What's more, staff can accidentally neglect food hygiene duties, which can be a significant issue come health inspection time. With Bluetooth temperature sensors, taking food temps and tracking reports is a breeze. 

Bluetooth temperature sensors for restaurants

These wireless temperature sensors can fully automate your HACCP Compliance logs, saving your kitchen crew a significant amount of time. They can also alert your staff when temperatures are outside of safety ranges in your walk-in and reach-in refrigerators before product spoilage happens. This is crucial to avoid product waste and foodborne illnesses. If you’ve never used temperature sensors, companies like Swift Service can supply all your equipment and provide monitoring assistance and analysis reports. 

3. Innovative Inventory Tracking 

Digital inventory management systems store restaurant inventory numbers in one easy-to-navigate app. The beauty of these mobile device solutions is that they allow users to customize inventory numbers and track product counts quickly and reliably. Many of these apps also integrate with POS systems to track inventory fluctuations in real-time. 

POS and inventory apps can make managing your restaurant easier.

This kind of hard data is essential when you are developing sales projections and managing food costs. You can also find beverage-specific inventory technologies like BevSpot. These are lifesavers for fast-paced bars, where you need to keep an eye on your wholesale beverage inventory.

4. Automated Ordering Apps 

Staying on top of product purchases is a significant component of running a restaurant. Ensuring you have enough wholesale meat and seafood to carry you through peak dinner times, without over-purchasing, requires time that could be spent elsewhere. This is where automated purchasing technology comes into play.

Mobile platforms communicate with your inventory tracking system, send alerts when product is running low, and even create customized par levels. Sites like BlueCart go one step further and help generate orders for your restaurant supply store. 

Looking for More Ways to Save With Your Restaurant Supply Warehouse?

At CHEF'STORE, we integrate time-saving technology and premium products to help you preserve your restaurant’s bottom-line. Our complete list of wholesale groceries and restaurant essentials is available online. You can also place orders directly for pick-up. 

Contact us to sign up for an account today. We also offer reliable grocery delivery through Instacart and Shipt so that you can get our exceptional products delivered to your door. 

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